符合標準:GB/T5465規定了在實(shí)驗室條件下評定建筑材料燃燒性能的試驗方法 儀器主要特點(diǎn) 采用計算機控制,自動(dòng)化**高,控溫速度快。室溫到能做試驗約1h,每一步操作后計算機提示下一步操作信息 可隨時(shí)查看試驗前10min的時(shí)間溫度變化情況,達到可追溯性 試驗結果可打印并存入計算機內
◆ 10min內溫度漂移≤2℃
◆ 爐管內徑75mm±1mm,
◆ 高150mm±1mm,
◆ 功率約2KW
◆ 熱電偶:鎳鉻-鎳硅鎧裝熱電偶,
◆ 外徑為1.5mm,絲徑為0.3mm
◆ 爐內溫度穩定時(shí)間:從室溫到750℃穩定能做試驗約1h
◆ 1、計算機控制和數據處理,功能包括自動(dòng)準確記錄標準7.2.3要求的溫度值,并按照8.1計算溫升結果以及測量時(shí)間,格式化打印測試結果;
◆ 2、爐壁溫度按照標準6.6.1測試(測試裝置由乙方提供),符合國家標準圖8和6.6.2要求;
◆ 3、有漏電保護的空氣開(kāi)關(guān)、熔斷器。
◆ 1、配試樣吊籃2只;
◆ 4、隨機附件1套;
◆ 5、試驗設備外形尺寸:長(cháng)×寬×高(1.2×0.8×1.5)m;
◆ 6、試驗設備重量:60 Kg;
◆ 7、儀器使用面積:2 平方米。
MGW building materials non-combustible testing furnace
Product use:
According to the standard: GB/T5465-2010, the main characteristics of test methods for evaluating the combustion performance of building materials under laboratory conditions are computer control, high degree of automation, and quick temperature control.
To do testing at about 1 h, every step operating computer prompts the subsequent operation information which are accessible at any time after the test time, the change of the temperature of the 10 min, to achieve traceability test results can be printed and stored in the computer
Technical indicators:
Furnace temperature (750 + 5 ℃,
Mixer temperature drift within 10 min 2 ℃ or less
Internal diameter of furnace tube 75mm plus or minus 1mm,
150 mm + / - 1 mm high,
The power is about 2KW
Thermocouple: nickel-chrome-nickel-silicon armoured thermocouple,
The outer diameter is 1.5mm, and the wire diameter is 0.3mm
Furnace temperature stability time: stable from room temperature to 750 ℃ can do test about 1 h
Mixer 1, computer control and data processing, features include automatic temperature of accurate records standard 7.2.3 requirements, and according to the calculation results and measured temperature 8.1 time, format the print test results;
2. The furnace wall temperature shall be tested in accordance with the standard 6.6.1 test (provided by party b), which conforms to the requirements of national standard figures 8 and 6.6.2;
3. Air switch with leakage protection and fuse.
1. 2 with sample hanging basket;
4. Random attachment 1 set;
5. The size of the test equipment: length x width x height (1.2 * 0.8 * 1.5) m;
6. Weight of test equipment: 60 Kg;
7. Instrument use area: 2 square meters.